Home Projects LaFeltrinelli

La Feltrinelli, Ibs.it, il Libraccio

A SEO consultancy with + 80% organic sessions








Increase organic brand traffic, oversee top keywords and increase ecommerce conversions for LaFeltrinelli, Ibs.it and Libraccio.

Increase organic traffic

Controlling top keywords

Increase ecommerce conversions

How to multiply traffic and organic revenue thanks to a medium/long-term SEO strategy


The medium/long-term SEO strategy implemented by Webranking includes interventions relating to a technical analysis, a scenario analysis on the users’ search habits and a review of the information architecture to allow an optimal response to user needs. In particular, over the last year some fundamental search patterns were implemented for brands such as Books, Music, Cinema and Stationery in order to improve visibility and conversions relating to these issues.


Grazie agli interventi messi in campo da Webranking è stato registrato su tutti i siti un aumento medio del traffico organico dell’80% rispetto al primo quarter del 2020, con picchi fino al 130% per Libraccio.it, +35% per LaFeltrinelli e +68% per Ibs.it e un aumento delle entrate da organico del 40%, con picchi fino al 74% sempre per Libraccio.it. Questi primi indicatori permettono ai brand di guardare con ottimismo la programmazione delle attività future.
Organic revenue Q1 2021 vs Q1 2020 - La Feltrinelli
Organic revenue Q1 2021 vs Q1 2020 - Il Libraccio
Organic revenue Q1 2021 vs Q1 2020 - Ibs.it