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Custom Software Solutions

We can satisfy any request

In addition to traditional web products, like CMSs and e-commerce sites, we develop apps with custom features that adapt to meet specific project needs. In our decades of experience in web development, we have developed bespoke platforms for our customers that meet their needs exactly, changing even the smallest detail to promote user-friendly and highly scalable interfaces.

Decades of experience with highly complex projects

We have experience creating platforms that centralize hundreds of e-commerce sites or websites and are able to simplify their organization and management.
We also work alongside you during the process of app design, starting with a simple idea and arriving at something concrete, assisting you throughout the phases of analysis and creation of the information architecture.


Corporate sites


We guarantee top-notch standards of maintenance and flexible management

The advantages of a scalable and flexible technology stack

To overcome the problems typical of the traditional software in use, we have created software capable of nimbly adjusting to the needs of a variety of businesses, highly scalable and with features developed ad hoc to suit the specifications of individual projects. Following standard development framework, it can guarantee a time-to-market comparable to that of traditional approaches, but offers the advantages of high maintenance standards and flexibility in terms of technical management.


Our Case Studies

Omnichannel strategy

Diversified Channel mix and full-funnel approach

Data Kojak for EMEA and NORAM markets

The online tracking management with our software

SDA Bocconi

Enhance the navigation experience and the international push

The journey of digital transformation

Giunti Scuola’s digital transformation by bringing all their content onto one hub